Thursday, October 12, 2017


I follow a lot of writing blogs, and many of those blogs have contests to win a variety of prizes.  I enter all of them, and most of the time, I do not win.  But that does not stop me.  I am persistent. 

Well, I guess that persistence paid off, because a few weeks ago I received an email from one of my favorite picture book authors, Tammi Sauer, letting me know that I had won a copy of her new book, Truck, Truck, Goose!  I was so excited.  Not only did I win a book I had been wanting to read, but it was from one of my favorite authors.  The book has arrived in the mail, and it is adorable.  My kids and I love it.

I think that writing is just like contests on blogs.  They both take persistence and a little bit of luck.  We, as writers, cannot give up.  We have to keep on being persistent and put our writing out there.  We cannot let rejection make us quit.  We have to keep writing, keep learning, and keep submitting.  If I had not continued to enter contests on various blogs, I would never have won a book.  And if I do not continue to submit my work, and try to improve my craft, then I will never get published. 

I have to be … persistent.